Off-site modular construction and design in nuclear power: A systematic literature review

Abstract Off-Site Modular Construction (OSMC) research has been a burgeoning research area over the past two decades due to low productivity of traditional construction methods. Some large Gen 3 reactors may employ an on-site assembly area similar to shipbuilding techniques. This OSMC productivity has attracted the interest of the nuclear industry with over 50+ designs in commercial development. Off-site modular construction has been estimated to reduce the capital cost of an SMR by up to 37.98% compared to a stick-built method. The IAEA highlights the first commercial SMR “shop built and road transported to site” has an earliest operation date of 2026 (IAEA, 2018). This research paper aims to understand the current state of modular design in nuclear power by reviewing current literature with a systematic literature review. What can new small modular reactor designs learn from modularisation in large nuclear. What design and analysis techniques have been developed that may aid the design considering design, schedule, transportation and supply chain? What is the state of the art in the module design process? The research provides knowledge gaps and recommendations for further research.
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