Composition-graded ZnxCd1–xSe@ZnO core–shell nanowire array electrodes for photoelectrochemical hydrogen generation

One-dimensional oxide nanostructure arrays are widely investigated as photoelectrodes in solar cells or photoelectrochemical (PEC) solar hydrogen generation applications, for which it is highly desirable for the electrode to have a broad light absorption and an efficient charge separation. In this work, a composition-graded ZnxCd1−xSe@ ZnO core−shell nanowire array is prepared through temper- ature-gradient chemical vapor deposition (CVD) of ZnxCd1−xSe layer onto the pregrown ZnO nanowires. The core−shell nanowire array photoelectrodes yield a continuous absorption edge from 2.7 (460 nm) to 1.77 eV (700 nm) across the sample surface. The core−shell heterostructure facilitates the photogenerated electron−hole pair separation and the electron transfer from ZnCdSe to ZnO. By using such core−shell nanowire arrays as photoanodes for solar hydrogen generation via a PEC cell, a photocurrent density of ∼5.6 mA/cm 2 is achieved under 1 sun solar light illumination at zero bias versus Ag/ AgCl. This method may be useful in the design of multijunction nanostructured semiconductor photoelectrodes toward more efficient solar fuel devices.
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