Holographic dynamics simulations with a trapped ion quantum computer.

Quantum computers have the potential to efficiently simulate the dynamics of many interacting quantum particles, a classically intractable task of central importance to fields ranging from chemistry to high-energy physics. However, precision and memory limitations of existing hardware severely limit the size and complexity of models that can be simulated with conventional methods. Here, we demonstrate and benchmark a new scalable quantum simulation paradigm--holographic quantum dynamics simulation--which uses efficient quantum data compression afforded by quantum tensor networks along with opportunistic mid-circuit measurement and qubit reuse to simulate physical systems that have far more quantum degrees of freedom than can be captured by the available number of qubits. Using a Honeywell trapped ion quantum processor, we simulate the non-integrable (chaotic) dynamics of the self-dual kicked Ising model starting from an entangled state of $32$ spins using at most $9$ trapped ion qubits, obtaining excellent quantitative agreement when benchmarking against dynamics computed directly in the thermodynamic limit via recently developed exact analytical techniques. These results suggest that quantum tensor network methods, together with state-of-the-art quantum processor capabilities, enable a viable path to practical quantum advantage in the near term.
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