Мовленнєвий Жанр Осуду В Українській Публіцистиці: До Проблеми Про Особливості Вербального Вираження

The article deals with the basic aspects of the speech genre of condemnation on the materials from journalistic texts (in particular online publications). It is outlined the main features of journalistic style that lead to the need to study the problem of interaction between speakers in terms of social relations, and the research of verbal reactions of society to the actions of some of its representatives who violate certain moral and social norms. The basic language units, typical of this genre, and in particular for texts on political issues are analyzed in the article. The current works of the researchers in the field of the study of speech genres that operate within the discourse of confrontation are analyzed. The relevance of the problem is caused by the necessity of detailed study of evaluative speech genres in Ukrainian press, providing the identification of pragmatic characteristics of speech acts and linguistic units of different levels, which organize the communicative intention of the speaker. The aim of the article is to highlight the basic aspects of the speech genre of condemnation in Ukrainian journalism and the main features of its verbal expression. Linguistic units, typical for expression of condemnation are dominated by those the semantics of which contain negative evaluation and structure-cliches with negative semantics. However, there are cases when the text does not contain any lexical units with semantics of negative evaluation, but there is general condemnation pragmatics.
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