Techniki pracy z zaburzeniem obsesyjno-kompulsyjnym w terapii poznawczo-behawioralnej

The article presents the obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) as it is understood by the particular therapeutic approach – the cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT). The disorder involves the appearance of recurring, persistent thoughts and acts (physical and mental ones) performed in response, with an aim of minimizing the anxiety triggered by these thoughts. The first part of the article presents the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for the OCD. The second part introduces the general model of cognitive-behavioural therapy. The third part explains the disorder and its development using the CBT models. After the commentary on the effectiveness of the OCD treatment using the CBT, some specific techniques and the model of clinical practice are introduced. The article briefly deals with the topic of pharmacotherapy. It focuses on the CBT techniques based on the exposure to aversive triggers and holding back of reactions (E/RP), the gradual desensitization, behavioural experiments as well as the cognitive techniques focused on changing the dysfunctional interpretation.
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