Educación sanitaria en la farmacia comunitaria: estudio controlado en la provincia de Castellón.

Introduction: Health education is one of the roles of the community pharmacist.A controlled study of pharmacies in the Spanish province of Castellon was carried out with the aim of determining the influence of health education on the general public. Material and methods: Fourteen pharmacies took part in the study: seven in the group control and seven in the intervention group. An initial survey about health education was conducted among the patients of all fourteen pharmacies. In the pharmacies in the intervention group five campaigns of health education were instigated; after each campaign patients answered a survey to evaluate the health education received. In the pharmacies in the control group the same surveys were carried out without the implementation of any educational campaigns. Results and discussion: Patients of the pharmacies in the intervention group were significantly more satisfied with their level of knowledge about health matters than those in the control other group. In addition, the same patients had a significantly more satisfied with the formation they received in the pharmacies that implemented the educational campaigns. In addition, patients of the pharmacies in the intervention group had a significantly better perception of the pharmacist and of the pharmacy as a reference point with respect to resolving their health problems. Health education informs patients about aspects of health and endows them with the aptitude to make decisions related to their health problems.
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