Kinetic modelling of three-dimensional shock/laminar separation bubble instabilities in hypersonic flows over a double wedge.

Linear global instability of the three-dimensional (3-D), spanwise-homogeneous laminar separation bubble (LSB) induced by shock-wave/boundary-layer interaction (SBLI) in a Mach 7 flow of nitrogen over a $30^{\circ}-55^{\circ}$ double wedge is studied. At these conditions corresponding to a freestream unit Reynolds number, $Re_1=5.2\times 10^{4}$ m$^{-1}$, the flow exhibits rarefaction effects and comparable shock-thicknesses to the size of the boundary-layer at separation. This, in turn, requires the use of the high-fidelity Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method to accurately resolve unsteady flow features. We show for the first time that the LSB sustains self-excited, small-amplitude, 3-D perturbations that lead to spanwise-periodic flow structures not only in and downstream of the separated region, as seen in a multitude of experiments and numerical simulations, but also in the internal structure of the separation and detached shock layers. The spanwise-periodicity length and growth rate of the structures in the two zones are found to be identical. It is shown that the linear global instability leads to low-frequency unsteadiness of the triple point formed by the intersection of separation and detached shocks, corresponding to a Strouhal number of $St\sim0.02$. Linear superposition of the spanwise-homogeneous base flow and the leading 3-D flow eigenmode provides further evidence of the strong coupling between linear instability in the LSB and the shock layer.
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