Belgian consensus on chronic pancreatitis in adults and children: Statements on diagnosis and nutritional, medical, and surgical treatment

Chronic pancreatitis (CP) is an inflammatory disorder charac- terized by inflammation and fibrosis, resulting in a progressive and irreversible destruction of exocrine and endocrine pancreatic tis- sue. Clinicians should attempt to classify patients into one of the six etiologic groups according to the TIGARO classification system. MRI/MRCP, if possible with secretin enhancement, is considered the imaging modality of choice for the diagnosis of early-stage dis- ease. In CP, pain is the most disabling symptom, with a significant impact on quality of life. Pain should be assessed using the Izbicki score and preferably treated using the "pain ladder" approach. In painful CP, endoscopic therapy (ET) can be considered as early as possible. This procedure can be combined with extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy (ESWL) in the presence of large (> 4 mm), obstructive stone(s) in the pancreatic head, and with ductal stent- ing in the presence of a single main pancreatic duct (MPD) stric- ture in the pancreatic head with a markedly dilated MPD. Pancre- atic stenting should be pursued for at least 12 months in patients with persistent pain relief. On-demand stent exchange should be the preferred strategy. The simultaneous placement of multiple, side-by-side, pancreatic stents can be recommended in patients with MPD strictures persisting after 12 months of single plastic stenting. We recommend surgery in the following cases : a) technical fail- ure of ET ; b) early (6 to 8 weeks) clinical failure ; c) definitive bili- ary drainage at a later time point ; d) pancreatic ductal drainage when repetitive ET is considered unsuitable for young patients ; e) resection of an inflammatory pancreatic head when pancreatic cancer cannot be ruled out ; f) duodenal obstruction. Duodenopan- createctomy or oncological distal pancreatectomy should be con- sidered for patients with suspected malignancy. Pediatricians should be aware of and systematically search for CP in the differ- ential diagnosis of chronic abdominal pain. As malnutrition is highly prevalent in CP patients, patients at nutritional risk should be identified in order to allow for dietary counseling and nutrition- al intervention using oral supplements. Patients should follow a healthy balanced diet taken in small meals and snacks, with normal fat content. Enzyme replacement therapy is beneficial to symptom- atic patients, but also in cases of subclinical insufficiency. Regular follow-up should be considered in CP patients, primarily to detect subclinical maldigestion and the development of pancreatogenic diabetes. Screening for pancreatic cancer is not recommended in CP patients, except in those with the hereditary form. (Acta gastro- enterol. belg., 2014, 77, 47-65).
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