Novel low carbon transport fuels and the RTFO: sustainability implications

A number of different types of lnovel low carbon transport fuelsr are in development and nearing the stage where they may enter the market. Many of these fuels have the potential to deliver high carbon savings without using any land, thereby avoiding both direct and indirect land use change as well as impacts on food or feed prices. This scoping paper by E4tech and Ecofys presents a classification framework for various types of transport fuels, and the potential sustainability risks and practical implications of widening the scope of the UKrs Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation (RTFO) to encompass lnovel low carbon transport fuelsr other than biofuels. The overall context for the study was to consider whether, and how, an emerging class of lnovel low carbon transport fuelsr (which are not currently covered by the RTFO) could receive policy support similar to the support extended to biofuels today under the RTFO. The paper identifies that the current terminology and definitions used under the RTFO would need to be amended in order to accommodate such fuels within a policy framework. A new comprehensive classification framework is proposed that covers all types of transport fuel while remaining consistent with the Renewable Energy Directive (RED). The classification framework presented here identifies several new categories of fuels other than biofuels and proposes some broad definitions. Whilst several supporting terms are yet to be formally defined, this paper represents a starting point for considering the role of such lnovel low carbon transport fuelsr within transport fuel policy, and for engaging in discussions with stakeholders as to the advantages and disadvantages of these new fuels.
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