Drowsiness and Yawn Detection System Using Python

Nowadays, the number of road accidents is increasing day by day. One of the major reasons behind it is feeling drowsy while driving or drunk driving. Drunk driving and drowsiness alone lead to 36% of accidents. Therefore, by detecting the drowsiness, the number of fatigue-related vehicle accidents can be minimized. So, the key objective of this paper is to design a prototype of drowsiness and yawn detection system using Python and Dlib model. It is a real-time system which will detect the drowsiness among car drivers by capturing image continuously and will warn the driver whenever they will feel sleepy. The innovation of the present work is established on blinking of eyes and yawn frequency. The per closure value of eye is examined for detection of drowsiness, and whenever it exceeds a certain value, then the driver is recognized to be sleepy. Similarly, we will inspect the yawn value to detect the drowsiness and whenever it exceeds its minimum threshold value it will give yawn alert.
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