Kinematic Design Optimization of a Parallel Surgical Robot to Maximize Anatomical Visibility via Motion Planning

We introduce a method to optimize on a patient-specific basis the kinematic design of the Continuum Reconfigurable Incisionless Surgical Parallel (CRISP) robot, a needle-diameter medical robot based on a parallel structure that is capable of performing minimally invasive procedures. Our objective is to maximize the ability of the robot's tip camera to view tissue surfaces in constrained spaces. The kinematic design of the CRISP robot, which greatly influences its ability to perform a task, includes parameters that are fixed before the procedure begins, such as entry points into the body and parallel structure connection points. We combine a global stochastic optimization algorithm, Adaptive Simulated Annealing (ASA), with a motion planner designed specifically for the CRISP robot. ASA facilitates exploration of the robot's design space while the motion planner enables evaluation of candidate designs based on their ability to successfully view target regions on a tissue surface. By leveraging motion planning, we ensure that the evaluation of a design only considers motions which do not collide with the patient's anatomy. We analytically show that the method asymptotically converges to a globally optimal solution and demonstrate our algorithm's ability to optimize kinematic designs of the CRISP robot on a patient-specific basis.
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