High-quality epitaxial foils, obtained by a layer transfer process, for integration in back-contacted solar cells processed on glass

Foil creation by lifting off a thin layer of a high quality silicon substrate is one of the promising substitutes for wafer sawing to create substrates thinner than 100 µm. The porous silicon-based layer transfer process is a well known method to obtain high quality foils. Despite a number of convincing lab-based solar cell show-cases, there is no breakthrough of this technology at (semi)-industrial level, because of the poor yield of processing free standing foils. This paper presents a method to fabricate back contacted solar cells based on epitaxial foils avoiding processes on free-standing foils. First, a porous silicon layer is electrochemically etched, acting as a weak sacrificial layer to detach the foil that is epitaxially grown on top of the porous silicon layer. Characterization of the epitaxial foils shows a good crystalline quality and an effective lifetime around 100 µs. Those results give indications that the obtained foils are well suited for solar cell fabrication. Front-side processing is done while the epitaxial foil is still attached to its parent substrate. A good yield is obtained for epitaxial foils that underwent the front-side processing sequence consisting of wet chemical texturing, FSF formation, passivation and ARC deposition. Afterwards, the front-side of the foil is bonded to a glass carrier and the foil is detached from its parent substrate. Silicone adhesives are used for this permanent bond. The rear-side of the solar cell is processed while bonded to glass. Therefore, only low temperature processes (<200°C) can be used. So far, the rear-side processing sequence was performed on Float-zone reference wafers as a proof of concept resulting in a confirmed maximum efficiency of 18.4%. The rear-side processing sequence still needs to be applied on epitaxial foils
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