Tropical enteropathy: morphological and functional alterations of the small intestine and their effects on nutritional status.

: Tropical enteropathy has been described in children and adults that live in developing countries. This disease may be symptomatic or may present without symptoms. We studied 66 patients with tropical enteropathy with special reference to the nutritional status and the intestinal function. The follow-up of the nutritional status revealed that 63 (95.49%) presented current malnutrition. The D-xylose absorption test was significantly lower than those found in the control group. The mean plasmatic triglyceride increment after the margarine load was significantly lower than that found in the control group. Carbohydrate tolerance tests revealed 51.3% lactose malabsorption, 35.07% sucrose malabsorption and 5% glucose malabsorption. Small bowel biopsy showed partial villous atrophy as the most frequent morphological characteristic observed. These children constitute an homogenous group representative of the majority of the population of the Third World.
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