The Short-Term Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Livestock Products and Feed Prices in Turkey

This study aimed to investigate changes in the prices of animal products (meat, milk, eggs), and feed before and during the pandemic period on a sectoral basis in Turkey. The material for the study consisted of the prices of animal products (beef, lamb and, poultry meat, eggs, and milk) and feed collected from official institutions and producer associations in the period before (December 2019-February 2020) and during (March-May 2020) the pandemic. Considering the prices of investigated animal products, there were increases at different rates in all products during the pandemic (1.82-11.57%). While the differences between producer prices of beef and broiler meat before and during the pandemic were found to be statistically significant (P<0.05), the changes in lamb meat and egg prices were not statistically significant. On the other hand, feed prices were found to be increased by 9.71-12.57%. It was determined that the feed, which is the most critical input of producers, showed a significant increase (P<0.05) during the pandemic, especially in the poultry sector. During the pandemic, the highest reduction in livestock product/feed parity was experienced in the egg sector, with -10.28%. In conclusion, examined animal product prices increased during the pandemic period, but input prices increased more than products. In addition, it was determined that the producers had to produce with lower profitability according to the productfeed parity values, especially in the egg poultry sector during the pandemic period. (English) [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Bu calismada, Turkiye'de pandemi oncesi ve pandemi donemindeki hayvansal urun (et, sut, yumurta) ve yem fiyatlarindaki degisimlerin sektorel bazda arastirilmasi amaclanmistir. Calisma materyalini resmi kurumlardan ve uretici birliklerinden pandemi oncesi (Aralik 2019-Şubat 2020) ve pandemi sirasinda (Mart-Mayis 2020) elde edilen hayvansal urun (sigir eti, kuzu eti, kanatli eti, yumurta ve sut) ve yem fiyatlari olusturmustur. Incelenen hayvansal urunlerin fiyatlari acisindan degerlendirme yapildiginda, pandemi doneminde tum urunlerde farkli oranlarda artis yasanmistir (%1,82-11,57). Pandemi oncesi ve sirasinda sigir eti ve pilic eti uretici fiyatlari arasindaki fark istatistiksel olarak anlamli bulunurken (P<0,05), kuzu eti ve yumurta fiyatlarindaki degisiklikler istatistiksel olarak anlamli bulunmamistir. Diger taraftan, girdi maliyetleri yonunden yasanan degisiklikleri gostermesi bakimindan yem fiyatlari da incelenmis ve %9,71-12,57 oraninda arttigi tespit edilmistir. Ureticilerin en onemli girdisi olan yemin pandemi doneminde ozellikle kanatli sektorunde onemli duzeyde artis (P<0,05) gosterdigi belirlenmistir. Pandemi sirasinda hayvansal urun/yem paritesindeki en fazla azalma -%10,28 ile yumurta sektorunde yasanmistir. Sonuc olarak, pandemi doneminde hayvansal urun fiyatlari artmis ancak girdi fiyatlarinda artis daha fazla olmustur. Ayrica ureticilerin pandemi doneminde basta yumurta tavukculugu olmak uzere urun/yem paritesi degerlerine gore daha dusuk karlilikla calismak zorunda kaldiklari belirlenmistir. (Turkish) [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Copyright of Ankara Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi is the property of Ankara University and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
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