Identificación y estudio fitoquímico de dos especies de cazahuate en la intoxicación de cabras en una comunidad de la Mixteca Oaxaqueña.

The purpose of this study was to identify two types of treeshrub species present in Oaxaca’s Low Mixteca Region during drought season, which have been pointed out by technicians and goat producers as the principal cause for goat intoxication, since they are the food alternative during this season in the extensive system. The objective was to identify and analyze the bromatology and phytochemistry of two Ipomoea species involved in the intoxication, as well as to perform the physicalchemical analysis of the soil where these plants grow and, with that, to corroborate or dismiss the presence of secondary metabolites that can be the cause of the toxicity. The species were identified as white cazahuate (Ipomoea murucoides) and black cazahuate (Ipomoea pauciflora subsp. pauciflora), both belonging to the family Convolvulaceae. In the bromatology analysis, I. murucoides presented higher content of raw protein and ethereal extract (P<0.002). The preliminary phytochemical study of extracts showed a high content of tannins and flavonoids (+++) and a notable presence (++) of terpenoids and free and released alkaloids. With regard to the tannins and alkaloids, the study showed a similar presence of these metabolites in both species of Ipomoea, so it is affirmed that if the secondary metabolites are the cause of the intoxication, the impact on both species would be similar.
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