Fine needle aspiration biopsy of pediatric head and neck masses.

Abstract Objective: To determine if fine needle aspiration (FNA) can preclude the requirement for diagnostic open biopsy in suspicious pediatric head and neck masses. Methods: The records of 40 children presenting to an inner city tertiary care hospital who underwent a total of 50 FNA biopsies during the years 1988–1999 were reviewed. From these 40 patients, 17 children, aged 3 months to 18 years, underwent both clinically indicated FNA biopsy and subsequent open surgical biopsy or excision. Outcome measurements included clinical resolution or surgical pathologic diagnosis. Results: The 17 patients who underwent open surgical biopsy subsequent to the FNA had a total of 21 FNAs performed. Three of these patients had more than one needle biopsy prior to surgery. The histologic diagnosis of the surgical excision confirmed the FNA biopsy cytologic diagnosis in all but two cases. FNA cytologic diagnostic categories included reactive lymph node/non-specific inflammation (25 biopsies), benign cystic process (four), granulomatous disease (eight), malignant neoplasm (three), and benign neoplasm (one). Eight of nine FNAs initially non-diagnostic had either complete resolution of the mass or a diagnosis obtained by subsequent FNA or open biopsy. Conclusions: FNA is a valuable diagnostic tool in the management of children with the clinical presentation of a suspicious neck mass. The technique reduces the need for more invasive and costly procedures. Early surgical biopsy, however, should be considered in rapidly enlarging masses, in the presence of persistent systemic symptoms, and when repeated FNA cytology is non-diagnostic.
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