Geological investigations for CO2 storage: From seismic and well data to 3D modeling

Abstract This work is part of the CPER Artenay project that aims at quantifying the environmental benefits and the technico-economic feasibility of storing CO 2 issued from a bio-ethanol distillery into a deep saline aquifer in the Paris Basin, France. This communication focuses on the geological investigations that ultimately lead to defining an optimal location for an injection site in Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) project. This paper presents a new approach for the pre-site characterization going from seismic and well data analyses to storage design. First, the general context of the area has been set follow by seismic interpretation. Those investigations leads to a geological surfaces modeling taking into account the basin border location of the project. The next step is the properties modeling made using sequence stratigraphy surfaces and Petrel software. This work will conduct to choose the optimal injection location regarding this geological investigation and the environmental constrains.
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