The information processing system and information processing method

The invention relates to an information processing system and an information processing method. The information processing system includes a terminal apparatus and an information processing apparatus. The terminal apparatus includes a first language information memory, a first display displaying a processing parameter option used in information processing in a first language, a first acceptance unit, a first generation unit, an instruction data transmission unit, a notification data reception unit receiving notification data, and a first notification unit. The information processing apparatus includes a second language information memory which stores the second language information of a second lanaguge different from the first language as the language information indicating a display mode of languages in the information processing apparatus, a second display, a second acceptance unit, a second generation unit, an instruction data reception unit, an identification unit, an execution unit, a notification data acquisition unit, a notification data transmission unit, and a second notification unit which informs a user about the erroneous content and action in the second language based on the acquired notification data.
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