Разработка кекса для специализированного питания и оценка его качества

According to the project "Fundamentals of state policy in the field of healthy nutrition of the popula-tion of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020" it was developed the technology of flour con-fectionery products of high nutritional and biological value for the nutrition of children of preschool age. The improving nutritional value of a cupcake com-pared to traditional products was achieved by re-ducing the amount of sugar and fat, as well as the use of alternative raw materials, namely: coarse whole meal flour from seeds of chickpea, carrot, flax oil, cranberries, characterized by a high content of biologically active components. The studies were conducted in the laboratory of the department "Technology of bread, confectionery macaroni, and grain processing industries" of Voronezh state uni-versity of engineering technologies. As a control sample the recipe of cupcake "Capital" served. The samples of cupcakes were baked in laboratory conditions and were analyzed by organoleptic and physico-chemical parameters, stipulated in the normative document (State standard 15052-96). The total content of antioxidants in the products was determined on the analyzer of antioxidant ac-tivity "Color Jauza-01-AA". The safety performance of bakery products was determined according to the methods provided by CU TR 021/2011. The to-tal content of antioxidants in 100 grams of cupcake "Morcosha" was 3.0 mg, which was by 87 % great-er than the value of this indicator for a control sam-ple. The product was enriched with vegetable pro-tein, polyunsaturated with fatty acids, dietary fibers, vitamins and minerals in the degree of satisfaction of daily requirement from 16 to 90 %. On the basis of the received results it was established that the de-veloped product cupcake "Morcosha" was charac-terized by improved quality, increased antioxidant ac-tivity and stable microbiological parameters.
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