Hydroblack CTD Intercalibration Workshop Held in Woods Hole, Massachusetts on 1-10 December 1991,

Abstract : An Intercalibration Workshop was held at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (W.H.O.I.) from 1-10 December, 1991, for the CTD data acquired during HYDROBLACK '91. This intercalibration exercise was a prelude to an interdisciplinary HYDROBLACK '91 intercalibration to be held in Crimea, Ukraine, in February, 1992, incorporating the full suite of physical, biological, and chemical measurements acquired during the cruise. HYDROBLACK '91 acquired for the first time a complete hydrographic, biological, and chemical data set for the entire Black Sea, to 2000 m water depth, with the participation of all Black Sea riparian countries as well as the U.S. Nearly 300 hydrographic stations were occupied to full water depth; biological and chemical measurements were made at 100 of these stations. This quasi- synoptic survey was accomplished using five ships during an interval of approximately three weeks. Results show some disparities between CTD's from the different regions, but the intercalibrated results show a consistent and high resolution detail of the dynamic topography and other physical characteristics of the entire Black Sea basin. (MM)
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