Zakazenia lentiwirusami u ludzi i zwierzat

The aim of this paper was to describe the transmission of the lentivirus from animals to people. As a result of DNA provirus integration with an animal-cell genome, all the bentivirus infections are characterized by a stable connection with the organism. Lentiviruse can very easily be transmitted through species barriers, adapt to species and multiply in new populations of people and animals when they coexist with the susceptible host of species. Several scientists have demonstrated SIV transimission among different species of monkeys. Experiments with different SIV and FIV molecular clones have supplied evidence for the occurrence of in vivo homological recombination among different strains of these viruses. It was also demonstrated that HIV-1 and SIV chimeries have the ability not only for replication but, in addition, they are more pathogenic than their parental forms. CAEV, a typical lentivirus for goats, is such a pathogenic factor that can be transmitted to other organisms, and can induce new diseases as well as new pathogens with unknown properties.
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