The Protein Kinase C Pathway Acts through Multiple Transcription Factors to Repress Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Gene Expression in Hypothalamic GT1–7 Neuronal Cells

The GnRH gene uses two well-defined regions to target expression to a small population of hypothalamic GnRH neurons: a 173-bp proximal promoter and a 300-bp enhancer localized at approximately −1800 to −1500 bp from the start site. Interaction of multiple factors with the GnRH enhancer and promoter is required to confer neuron-specific expression in vivo and in cells in culture. In addition, the expression of the GnRH gene is regulated by numerous neurotransmitters and hormones. Several of these effectors act through membrane receptors to trigger the protein kinase C pathway, and 12-O-tetradecanoyl phorbol-13-acetate (TPA), a modulator of this pathway, has been shown to suppress GnRH gene expression through the promoter. We find that TPA suppresses expression through the GnRH enhancer as well as the promoter. In the enhancer, an Oct-1 binding site, a Pbx/Prep binding site, Msx/Dlx binding sites, and a previously unidentified protein-binding element at −1793, all contribute to TPA suppression. TPA treatmen...
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