Framework for the Simulation of an Aircraft Final Assembly Line

The EU ACCLAIM project as part of the European Clean Sky 2 activities is oriented to improve the aircraft assembly process. The SIMFAL H2020 Clean Sky 2 project is part of the ACCLAIM project, whose objective is to analyse, plan and optimize automated assembly tasks of cabin and cargo interior parts, with a coexistence between human workforce and machines (lightweight robots and AGVs). SIMFAL framework integrates VR and AR systems to help the user to work in limited spaces, collaborating with automation systems. The VR system aids the user to visualize different assembly processes in an immersive environment, and evaluate them in terms of time and ergonomics to choose the best one. The output of this system will feed the AR system, that will use the best process to guide the user though the assembly tasks, showing context-sensitive information about the tasks and the environment through a help assistant. This paper is focused on showing the first results of the implementation of a VR simulation of aircraft assembly tasks, based on the SIMFAL framework design. The proof of concept is tested with a simulation of six real scenarios and ergonomics experiments already done in Airbus facilities.
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