Varicose-whipping instabilities transition of an electrified micro-jet in electrohydrodynamic cone-jet regime

Abstract A cone-jet regime in electrohydrodynamic atomization (EHDA) is widely applied into printing, electro-spinning, spray-coating, and biological mass spectrometry. Regulating different instabilities of jet is crucial for optimizing its operating parameters. In present work, an atypical, hemispherical capillary with inner diameter of 0.40 mm and cap size of 6.20 mm was employed as atomization nozzle, through which a steady cone-jet regime was confirmed versus suitable feeding liquid flow rate and electric potential. A permanent and highly charged jet emits from a Taylor cone apex and further disintegrates into fine highly charged drops in the form of varicose or whipping instabilities. The results indicate that a steady cone-jet is observed in the specific ranges of the feeding liquid flow rate, electric potential and conductivity. The typical breakup instabilities including varicose and whipping are clearly observed with an increase in liquid flow rate for a fixed electric potential for most of liquids, and the transition from varicose to whipping instability easily occurs. For a steady cone-jet, the jet breakup instabilities usually depends on the competition between interfacial forces on the electrified jet. The transition process involving a low-viscosity jet with a large flow rate is observed, and the general parameter G = Γ 2 δ μ 0.52 is calculated to account for surface charge, surface tension, and viscosity effects, where Γ is the electric force to surface tension ratio and δμ is the inertia to viscous force ratio. Finally, the varicose, transition regime, and whipping are classified with first and second critical threshold values G = 40 and G = 102, respectively. Meanwhile, as the electrified jet transforms from varicose to whipping instabilities, the jet breakup length shows a trend of increasing first and then decreasing.
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