Value of Indium-111m labeled platelet scans for predicting early renal allograft loss

In order to determine if In-111m labeled platelet scanning could be of use in predicting renal allograft prognosis, 41 patients (pts) thought to be at risk for graft loss were studied. In vitro labeling of platelets was performed followed by reinjection into the pt and scanning at 24 hours. The graft activity on platelet scan was compared to hepatic activity and classified as being either less than or equal to hepatic activity (NEG) or much greater than hepatic activity (POS). Results are compared to graft prognosis and are presented in this paper. The observed increase in early loss rate in the pts with POS scan over those with NEG scan was highly significant. (p .001). All pts with a POS scan were on cyclosporin A (CYA); no pt on conventional therapy (excluding CYA) had a POS scan. The authors conclude that the presence of a POS scan is a grave prognostic sign and that there appears to be a relationship between CYA, POS scan, and early graft loss.
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