Güncel Gelişmeler Işığında Türkiye’de Yeni Büyükşehir Modelinde Kırsal Mahallelerin Değerlendirilmesi

Metropolitan municipality model in Turkey has been transformed into a new form when the changes made in accordance with the law no. 6360 came into force after 2014 local elections. In this model, the local borders of metropolitan cities have been integrated with the borders of metropolitan municipality borders; and the legal entities of all towns and villages came to an end whether they are rural/urban, near/far from the city center and densely populated or not. These units, whose legal entities were abolished, have become districts of the metropolitan municipality of which they are a part. In this way, in the literature these villages and towns which are far from the city and have rural characteristics and stay within the borders of metropolitan municipalities and which were transformed into districts have been called “rural districts”. In the study, first of all, the villages and towns called rural neighborhoods in the new metropolitan model were defined, the criticisms directed to the Law No. 6360 within the scope of its effects on rural areas were included, the current official documents were transferred, the ones related to the rural areas in new budget proposal were specified, and as a result, the regulations of the new law, which entered into force on October 16, 2020, were evaluated. The aim of the study was to be a source for researchers who were interested in the subject, in the light of current regulations regarding local governments and to provide a scientific discussion of the better manageability of rural neighborhoods.
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