Оценка дозы смешанного гамма-нейтронного излучения по результатам спектроскопии ЭПР образцов зубной эмали и дентина при облучении в фантоме головы человека

An in vivo exposure of whole tooth as well as the dentin and enamel grain samples placed in a head phantom made of tissue-equivalent material (paraffin) was conducted. Enamel and dentine relative sensitivity was in a good agreement with values, estimated earlier for in air irradiation. The assessments of neutron and gamma-components of the total dose using ER spectroscopy of dentin and enamel samples agreed within the errors with the calculated (by Monte-Carlo method) and measured doses. Thus, the principal possibility to estimate the dose of mixed gamma-neutron radiation using EPR spectroscopy of tooth enamel and dentin samples was shown when the dose of each component of the field is initially unknown.
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