espanolEn los ultimos anos, hay cambios tanto en los procesos economicos, como el desarrollo de la gestion publica. El primero perjudica la venta de los pequenos productores, y el segundo ayuda a las personas a participar en las decisiones de los proyectos. Porque la gestion publica anterior era centralizadora y no resolvia los problemas de los ciudada-nos. Es asi, que hubo una apertura al desarrollo local, donde el sector, publico, privado y social se deben organizar para resolver diferentes problemas, entre ellos los econo-micos y ambientales. Para el desarrollo de la investigacion se utilizo el metodo histo-rico y la Metodologia de Sistemas agroalimentarios localizados (SIAL). El Objetivo, es describir las gestiones realizadas en el Municipio de Tenancingo, para el desarrollo local, aprovechando los recursos naturales y culturales. Existen diferentes estrategias de promocion que se han implementado en el municipio de Tenancingo, para lograr el desarrollo local; sin embargo, ninguna sera efectiva mientras no exista una coope-racion entre los tres sectores, para el mantenimiento, cuidado y uso de los atractivos. EnglishIn recent years, there have been changes in both economic processes and the development of public management. The first one harms the sale of the small producers, and the second one helps the people to participate in the decisions of the projects. Because the previous public management was centralizer and did not solve the problems of the citizens. It's like that, that there was an opening to local development, where the sectors, public, private and social must be organized to solve different problems, including economic and environmental. For the development of the research, the historical method and the Localized Agri-Food Systems Methodology (SIAL) were used. The objective is to describe the managements made in the Municipality of Tenancingo, for local development, taking advantage of natural and cultural resources. There are different promotion strategies that have been implemented in the municipality of Tenancingo, to achieve local development; however, none will be effective as long as there is no cooperation between the three sectors, for the maintenance, care and use of the attractives.
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