Исследование трансформации корпоративной культуры университета (опыт Национального исследовательского Томского государственного университета)

The article reveals duality of a modern university cultural base, since professorial culture traditionally served as its basis is completed by corporate culture and transformed by it. Tension and contradictions are brought into university's life which is explained by different functional trends of specified cultures. Professorial culture - is a devotion to education, science, culture. Corporate culture serves market and improvement of university's competitiveness in the context of its entrance to the world educational environment (the program 5-100). It brings to university the principles of commercialization, pragmatics and tendencies of education transformation into educational service. Corporate culture uneconomic face is connected with a new employee image-building - "social capital": understanding interdependence (K. Gergen) of the modern world, trust serves as "lubricant" (F. Fukuyama), "superglue" (R. Putnam) or, "the spirit of informationalism" (M. Castells) in a social group. Corporate culture is allotted with the task of social human capabilities formation: respect, goodwill, fellowship, post agreement, communication abilities, teamwork skills, etc. The article presents a new criterion of classical university - university corporate culture as a culture of collaboration, service to people, education, culture and science. This is and organizational environment where student and employee have an opportunity of actual cooperation, where people learn to cooperate. As a result of researching activities the text of Ethics code of NR TSU being annually revised has been developed and finalized; corporate culture configuration modifications are being annually diagnosed resulting into adoption of real proposals aiming at coping with gaps in forming new university corporate culture. The language of NR TSU normative documents was examined; conclusions of its transformation in the context of new requirements were made. Having a representative function the language primarily registers changes in management style, employee relation, normative and axiological parameters. The problems of underdevelopment of conventional relations, lack of legitimate norms in all parts of the university community, employee non-involvement and apathy are registered in the article. The ways of problem solving are proposed: 1) for legitimation of new university norms it is necessary to provide continuous communication between administration and research and teaching staff aimed at critical discussion of present norms and determination of execution mechanisms; 2) the system of measures for improvement of research and teaching staff labor conditions is required, capable for improvement of their university situation perception.
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