Hydrogen transfer dynamics in a photoexcited phenol/ammonia (1:3) cluster studied by picosecond time-resolved UV-IR-UV ion dip spectroscopy

The picosecond time-resolved IR spectra of phenol/ammonia (1:3) cluster were measured by UV-IR-UV ion dip spectroscopy. The time-resolved IR spectra of the reaction products of the excited state hydrogen transfer were observed. From the different time evolution of two vibrational bands at 3180 and 3250cm−1, it was found that two isomers of hydrogenated ammonia radical cluster ∙NH4(NH3)2 coexist in the reaction products. The time evolution was also measured in the near-IR region, which corresponds to 3p-3s Rydberg transition of ∙NH4(NH3)2; a clear wavelength dependence was found. From the observed results, we concluded that (1) there is a memory effect of the parent cluster, which initially forms a metastable product, ∙NH4–NH3–NH3, and (2) the metastable product isomerizes successively to the most stable product, NH3–∙NH4–NH3. The time constant for OH cleaving, the isomerization, and its back reaction were determined by rate-equation analysis to be 24, 6, and 9ps, respectively.
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