Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Wuchereria Bancrofti Co-infection in Southern Nigeria: A Case Report

A 66-year-old male patient presented with irrational talks of 6 weeks duration and bilateral leg swelling of 2 years duration. The patient was a known hypertensive and diabetic. His Serum filarial test was very significant, and his brain Computerized Tomography scan showed cerebral atrophy. An assessment of stage 4 HIV (AIDS) was made in the background of filariasis. His Packed Cell Volume, White Blood Cell count, and Liver Function Tests were all within normal limits. Diethylcarbamazine was added to the patient HAART medication. Limb hygiene, elevation, and compressive bandage were also commenced for the swollen limbs. Two weeks into admission, a remarkable improvement was noticed. His memory was greatly improved. The irrational talk was no more, as he engaged incoherent discussions. The swelling of the limbs was greatly subsided. The patient was later discharged home after three weeks on admission to continue his treatment on an out-patient basis.
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