Доктринальні та інституційні проблеми забезпечення захисту прав та інтересів сторін соціально-трудових правовідносин

In article the problem of ensuring protection of the rights and interests of the parties of the social and labor relations is covered. The national law regarding reconsideration of the doctrine and instruments of implementation of protection of the rights and interests of the parties of social and labor legal relationship stays at a stage of search and formation of the new conceptual ideas from which we find it possible to distinguish the following: it is necessary to outline a circle of the public relations forming a subject of branch of a labor law including taking into account current trends of development of institute of protection of the social and labor rights and interests; formation and development of institutional bases of protection of the social and labor rights and interests on essentially new platform taking into account contents judicial and other reforms in Ukraine.
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