Fixing Victoria's infrastructure (1114)

The Engineers Australia Infrastructure Report Card was released in 2010 and rated Victoria's Infrastructure as 'barely adequate' with the hotspots of Rail, Water and Electricity. The report card noted that there is a fundamental link between sound infrastructure investment and a healthy, productive economy that contributes to a liveable and sustainable society. Infrastructure projects such as new 'Metro lines' can shape a city and leave a legacy for future generations. We either invest in infrastructure or suffer the consequences - we are now beginning to suffer the consequences of an infrastructure deficit with urban sprawl, congestion and reduced level of service. This paper discusses the two key recommendations from the report card; the formation of 'Infrastructure Victoria' to provide long term integrated planning and a quantum increase in the level of infrastructure spending using a number of mechanisms include public debt. Whilst this paper focuses on Victoria, the principles apply more widely to the issues around procurement of infrastructure across Australia.
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