The immunohistochemical study of suppurative wounds in rats following the application of collagenase from the crab Paralithodes camtschatica

: Immunohistochemical study of tissues of purulent wounds in rats after application of the collagenase isolated from the king crab Paralithodes camtschatica has been undertaken. The enzyme therapy resulted in a rapid and efficient removal of necrotic debris. It was accompanied by fibrin elimination from the wound bottom and subsequent formation of new capillaries. Cellular fibronectin with ED-A sequence was identified in the newly formed granulation tissue, which points to its active synthesis in situ. Detection of type I collagen in granulation tissue revealed that wound treatment with crab collagenase had no impact on the development process of the tissue. Polyclonal antibodies against two isozymes of crab collagenolytic protease were obtained. It was shown that after application of both isozymes of the collagenase were accumulated in fibrin deposits at the wound bottom but not penetrated in adherent granulation tissue. These processes underlie the therapeutic effect of the crab collagenase.
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