Dieta para Larvas de Chrysomya megacephala, Chrysomya putoria e Cochliomyia macellaria (Diptera: Calliphoridae)

Avaliou-se o desenvolvimento pos-embrionario de tres especies de califorideos em racao pastosa para caes, que possui maior facilidade de armazenamento, menor custo e maior validade que a dieta natural (carne). As etapas experimentais ocorreram em diferentes condicoes de temperatura (T) e umidade relativa (UR): Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius) (3a geracao), em câmara climatizada (T: 30oC, UR: 60± 10%, 14 horas fotofase); Cochliomyia macellaria (Fabricius) (2a geracao), em condicoes ambientais (T: 22,3 - 24,0oC, UR: 60 - 90%), e Chrysomya putoria (Wiedemann) (1a geracao) em condicoes ambientais (T: 21,5 - 25,0oC, UR: 60 - 90%). Utilizou-se carne bovina como controle. Foram realizadas quatro repeticoes/tratamento, com 40 neolarvas/120 gramas de dieta/repeticao. A duracao dos estagios de C. megacephala e a taxa de sobrevivencia (> 85%) foram similares as obtidas no controle. Na dieta artificial, a duracao dos estagios de larva e de neolarvas a adultos de C. macellaria apresentou-se significativamente maior na dieta artificial, porem nao significativa para o pupal, exibindo pupas menores e reduzida taxa de sobrevivencia dos adultos. Em C. putoria , a duracao dos estagios nao diferiu significativamente, as pupas foram significativamente menores na dieta artificial, e as taxas de sobrevivencia dos estagios foram similares entre as dietas. Essa dieta mostrou-se eficiente na criacao de C. megacephala e C. putoria . Diet for Chrysomya megacephala , Chrysomya putoria and Cochliomyia macellaria (Diptera: Calliphoridae) larvae Abstract. An evaluation was made of the post-embryonic development of three species of calliphorids in pasty dog food, which has a larger facility of storage, less cost and greater validity that nature diet (meat). The experimental phases took place in different conditions of temperature (T) and humidity (RH): Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius) (3rd generation) in a climatized chamber (T: 30oC, RH: 60± 10%, 14 hours photophase), Cochliomyia macellaria (Fabricius) (2nd generation) in environmental conditions (T: 22.3 - 24.0oC, RH: 60 - 90%), and Chrysomya putoria (Wiedemann) (1st generation) in environmental conditions (T: 21.5 - 25.0 oC, RH: 60 - 90%). Meat was used as the control. Each treatment was repeated four times, with 40 neolarvae/120 grams of diet/repetition. The duration of the C. megacephala stages and the survival rate (>85%) were similar to those obtained with the control. In the artificial diet, the duration of the stages of larvae and of neolarvae to adult C. macellaria were significantly larger, but were not significant for the pupal stage, which showed smaller pupae and lower survival rates. The duration of the stages in C. putoria did not differ significantly, and the pupae were significantly smaller in the artificial diet, while the survival rates of the development stages were similar in the two diets. The artificial diet proved efficient for breeding C. megacephala and C. putoria .
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