La experiencia con Cannabidiol en el trastorno del espectro autista: Reporte de caso

Introduction: Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are made up of a set of heterogeneous manifestations of neurodevelopment characterized by persistent deficits in communication and social interaction; repetitive and restricted patterns of behavior, activities and interests that limit the lives of these patients and their families. There is a growing interest in the use of Cannabidiol due to its effectiveness with respect to the control of epileptic seizures and positive changes in behavior, in irritability or aggressiveness associated with ASD, in receptive and expressive capacity of language, mood and the quality of sleep. Clinical case: 3-year-old boy who shows characteristics compatible with ASD and absence-type crises in which it was proposed to establish a pharmacological intervention program based on the use of cannabidiol, associated with speech therapy and psychomotor therapies. Evolution: At the end of the first year of treatment with an exhaustive follow-up, significant advances are reported, with a decrease or absence of episodes of disconnection or blinking, better functional adaptation, improvement in language acquisition and better interrelation. Better tolerates closed spaces, follows simple commands and routines. The therapist indicates great progress and ends his first year of school with significant achievements. The EEG study in better conditions compared to the previous ones, with a better structured base activity and a decrease in frontal epileptogenic activity. Conclusion: The treatment currently provided with cannabidiol has been effective in improving living conditions in the case presented.
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