Análisis de las características de las ponencias y ponentes de los 29 congresos de la Sociedad Española de Medicina de Urgencias y Emergencias –SEMES– (1988-2017)

espanolObjetivo. Profundizar en el conocimiento y la evolucion de la Medicina de Urgencias y Emergencias (MUE) en Espana a traves del analisis de las ponencias presentadas en los congresos de la Sociedad Espanola de Medicina de Urgencias y Emergencias (SEMES) celebrados los ultimos 30 anos (1988-2017). Metodo. Se revisaron los programas de todos los Congresos SEMES y se analizaron las caracteristicas de ponencias y ponentes, asi como la evolucion entre 1988-2017 de algunas de estas caracteristicas. Se reviso en Web of Science la produccion cientifica y el indice h de los ponentes mas frecuentes para contrastar su relevancia cientifica. Resultados. En los 29 Congresos SEMES (en 1992 no se celebro) se han presentado 2.182 ponencias (112 internacionales) por 1.410 ponentes (89 internacionales) procedentes de 616 centros. Hubo un crecimiento lineal de ponencias y ponentes los primeros anos, una posterior fase de meseta, y finalmente un crecimiento con tendencia exponencial el ultimo lustro. El 79,6% de ponencias fue impartida por hombres, y la distribucion de medicos/enfermeros/tecnicos fue 70,6%/11,9%/4,0%. Los urgenciologos realizaron el 60,8% de ponencias medicas. La comunidad autonoma organizadora del congreso aporto el 29,8% de ponencias, casi siempre por encima de lo esperable por su aportacion promedio global. Hubo comunidades autonomas cuya participacion estuvo muy por debajo de su productividad cientifica (Extremadura, Andalucia, Cataluna) y otras muy por encima (Murcia, Baleares, Asturias, Castilla-Leon, Madrid). El 64,4% de los 59 ponentes mas asiduos ( 5 congresos) tiene publicados 20 articulos y el 71,2% tiene un indice h 5. Entre 1988-2017 hubo incremento significativo de mujeres ponentes, diversificacion geografica (ponencias de comunidades autonomas no organizadoras del congreso) y urgenciologos hospitalarios. . Hubo un aumento significativo de ponencias y ponentes en los Congresos SEMES, con cambios detectables en algunas de sus caracteristicas. El analisis detallado puede permitir intervenciones para corregir algunos aspectos en futuros Congresos SEMES, tales como la escasa diversificacion y participacion internacional y de mujeres. EnglishObjective. To gain greater understanding of the development of emergency medicine in Spain by analyzing the presentations at conferences of the Spanish Society of Emergency Medicine (SEMES) over the past 30 years (1988–2017). Methods. We examined the programs of all SEMES conferences and described the characteristics of both presentations and presenters. We also analyzed changes occurring between 1988 and 2017 of some of the characteristics observed. The Web of Science was searched to evaluate the scientific productivity of the most frequent presenters and to calculate h-indexes for those presenters to assesstheir scientific relevance. Results. SEMES did not hold a conference in 1992. The total of 29 conferences included 2182 presentations (112 listing presenters from abroad) given by 1410 presenters (89 from abroad). The presenters’ affiliations named 616 centers. The number of presentations and presenters increased linearly during the first period and then leveled off. The number increased exponentially in the final phase. Men gave 79.6% of the presentations; 70.6% of the presenters were physicians, 11.9% were nurses and 4.0% were ambulance staff. Specialists in emergency medicine accounted for 60.8% of the presenters who were physicians. Presenters from the Spanish autonomous community organizing the conference gave 29.8% of the presentations. The contributions of presenters from the local organizing community were nearly always more numerous than the average number of contributions from that community in all 29 conferences overall. Conference contributions from some autonomous communities (Extremadura, Andalusia, and Catalonia) were considerably fewer than would be expected given the scientific productivity of those communities. However, communities (Murcia, Balearic Islands, Asturias, Castile-Leon, Madrid), gave many more presentations than their productivity metrics would predict. Analysis of the 59 most frequent presenters (at 5 conferences or more) showed that 64.4% of them had published at least 20 articles and that 71.2% had an h-index of 5 or higher. The number of women on the program increased significantly between 1988 and 2017. Likewise, geographic diversity increased significantly (presentations from centers outside the local organizing area) as did the participation of hospital-based emergency medicine specialists. Conclusions. SEMES conference programs have attracted significantly more presentations and presenters over the years. We also detected changes in descriptive characteristics. The analysis of those characteristics can help future SEMES conference planners to plan ways to correct aspects such as scarce geographic diversity, low international participation, and few women among presenters.
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