Neutron guide optimization for the Moroccan PGAA system.

Abstract The Moroccan TRIGA Mark II research reactor is to be equipped with a PGAA (Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis) facility to assist the country's progression in socioeconomic areas such as the environment and geochemistry, agriculture, health, industry, cultural heritage, and human sciences. The requirements of the PGAA facility include a very high thermal to fast neutron flux ratio and a focused, thin beam. Supermirror neutron guides are generally used to meet such requirements due to their ability to reflect neutrons with a specific energy and scattering angle. This study was undertaken to determine a suitable neutron guide for achieving optimal performance for the PGAA facility, where such a determination needs to be made according to both the available space and the minimum performance needed for PGAA analysis. To better parameterize the neutron guide, a set of simulations were performed with the aim of establishing the best guide specifications. Three types of neutron guides were studied, namely straight, curved, and bender. McStas code was used in this study, and the simulations showed that the guides must be 6 m long and that the coating value m must be equal to 5 for the bender and straight guides and 6 for the curved guide. Among the three guide types, the thermal/epithermal (Фth/Фep) and thermal/fast (Фth/Фfast) ratios were found to be much better when using the curved guide.
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