A Chronic Progressive Case of Enteroviral Limbic Encephalitis Associated with Autoantibody to Glutamate Receptor 2

(mononuclear), pro-tein concentration 54 mg/dl and glucose 63 mg/dl. PCR for herpes simplex virus (HSV) DNA was negative. He was treated with acyclovir (30 mg/kg/day for 14 days) and betamethasone (16 mg/day for 7 days) based on the diagnosis of limbic encepha-litis. His symptoms and MRI abnormali-ties gradually disappeared by the second hospital month, and he was discharged without any sequelae. In November 1995, the patient again experienced a week of fever, headache and disorientation. At second admission, the patient was disoriented with memory im-pairment, including anterograde and ret-rograde amnesia. His Mini-Mental State Examination score was 17/30. FLAIR MRI again revealed hyperintense lesions in the bilateral hippocampal structures (f ig. 1B ). CSF examination showed 6 cells/mm
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