Economic burden of smoking attributed illnesses in Pakistan

ABSTRACT: Background: The estimates of economic burden due to smoking attributed illnesses provide an opportunity to assess its overall impact on the economy and generate evidence for public health policy interventions for tobacco control. In this study, we estimated out of pocket expenditures on tobacco attributed illnesses and smoking attributable burden in Pakistan. Methods: We used a prevalence-based disease-specific cost approach by including three major tobacco attributed illnesses i.e. lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and coronary artery diseases. Our analysis included out of pocket healthcare expenditures including direct and indirect costs which were estimated by interviewing the patients of selected illnesses. The smoking-attributable expenditure was calculated by the WHO tool kit. Results: In 2018, the economic burden attributed to smoking related illnesses was Rs 192 billion (USD 1.3 billion). Smoking-attributable expenditure on cardiovascular disease was Rs 123 billion (USD 0.9 billion) which was 69% of the total economic cost of tobacco attributed illnesses in Pakistan. The economic cost in males was nearly three times higher than females. Conclusions: Our study showed a significant economic burden due to tobacco attributed illnesses in Pakistan which can be prevented by implementing tobacco control policies effectively.
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