Hodgkin's Disease with Hypercalcemia Detected by Thallium-201 Scintigraphy

cently been shown useful in identifying parathyroid adenomas (1 ). With this technique, it is possible to identify parathyroid tissue not only in the neck, but also in aberrant locations such as the mediastinum (2). In addition to its uptake in parathyroid tissue, thallium 201 (2°'Tl) can accumulate significantly in papillary, follicular, or undifferentiated thyroid cancer (3), as well as adenomatous goiter (4), chronic thyroiditis (4), and adrenal pheochromocytoma (5). Ochi et a!. described a patient who presented with a cold thyroid nodule with significant thallium uptake that was eventually diag nosed as malignant lymphoma (4). Fukuda et al. re ported a patient with a cervical thymoma with marked thallium accumulation (6). Sporadic case reports have also documented thallium uptake in bronchogenic car cinoma ( 7). Thallium uptake has not, however, been reported in Hodgkin's disease to our knowledge. There are few reports of patients with lymphoma (8, 9) and Hodgkin's disease (10,11) with concomitant hypercalcemia and elevated serum l,25-dihydroxyvi tamin D. We have observed a patient with lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin's disease confined to the me diastinum in whom hypercalcemia with an elevated 1,25-clihydroxyvitamin D level resolved with tumor
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