Antibiotic substance wap-4068, its derivative and production thereof

PURPOSE:To provide a new antibiotic substance useful for the treatment of mycotic infection such as candidiasis and aspergillosis. CONSTITUTION:The compound of formula [R1 is CH3-CH2-CH=CH-(CH2)2, CH3-(CH2)5, CH3-CH2-CH=CH-(CH2)4, etc. The compound can be produced by culturing a production microbial strain belonging to the genus Pseudomonas [Pseudomonas sp. WAP-4068, FERM P-12917) in a medium containing nutrient source under aerobic condition by a deep-tank aeration and agitation technique, separating from the filtrate by adsorption and solvent extraction and purifying the product. The compound has the following properties: appearance, colorless syrup; solubility, soluble in methanol, acetone, ethyl acetate, chloroform and ether, scarcely soluble in water, petroleum ether and n-hexane; nature, acidic substance; color reaction, positive to iodine vapor, potassium permanganate, etc., and negative to ninhydrin reaction, Molisch's reaction, etc.
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