Cambio climático y dinámica del paisaje en Galicia

Pollen sequences, in particular those obtained from limnetic sediments, have emerged as the most effective tool when assessing Quaternary climatic changes at regional level and their impact on ecosystems. An important part of the records obtained in the NW Iberian has less than 3,000 years BP; the continuous sequences of more than 6,000 years and chronologies reaching 10,000 or 12,000 years, is limited to large peatlands in mountain areas; finally, the periods of more than 17,000 years are represented only in fossilized sediments, in which were obtained continuous records of 10,000 or 20,000 years and exceptionally periods of more than 50,000. The more than 200 sequences available for the NW Iberian peninsula, allow a proper evaluation of the impact of climate change and anthropogenic influence on ecosystems over the past 100,000 years. The abundance of data, agrees to recognize the different influence of these changes on the different biogeographic areas of the territory.
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