Dipetalonema viteae: Resistance in Meriones unguiculatus with multiple infections of stage-3 larvae

Abstract The jird, Meriones unguiculatus , infected with 80 normal infective larvae of Dipetalonema vitea , revealed a recovery rate of 27.9% 12 weeks after infection. A pretreatment by three injections of 50 normal larvae each and challenge by 80 larvae resulted in a recovery rate of 10.7%. The recovered worms were longer than those from the challenge control animals. When three times 50 irradiated larvae (35 krad) were inoculated, the recovery rate of the challenge decreased to 2.6%, representing a protection of 90.7%. The surviving adult worms were stunted and derived exclusively from the 80 normal larvae given for challenge, since absolutely no adult worms were recovered in eight animals inoculated three times with 50 irradiated larvae only. Sera of all pretreated jirds contained IgG and IgM antibodies which bound in immunoblotting experiments bound predominantly to three proteins of larvae with molecular masses of 68,140, and 165 kDa, respectively. Enzymatic surface iodination revealed that the three antigens were exposed on the larval surface. The coincidence of a partial resistance to a challenge infection and of an antibody response against surface proteins of infective larvae suggests an importance of these antigens for the rejection of D. viteae mediated by an acquired immunological resistance of M. unguiculatus .
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