Surface synthesis of the reflector antenna with radiation pattern of special form

In article shown methodology of creation surface for reflector antennas provided by laws of geometrical optics. The developed technique allows calculating surface profile of the reflector antenna that creating radiation pattern of special form. Considered reflector antenna which radiation pattern in the vertical plane has an appearance a cosecant in a square, and in the azimuthal plane has small width. This work has high relevance because antennas with similar properties are widely using in radar stations of various, especially in plane radar stations. Antenna surface was developed by Mathcad. Input data for Mathcad program: — angle sector within which it is formed radiation pattern of special form; — angular sizes of a reflector antenna; — distance to the phase center of an feed antenna. Firstly the program makes calculation of the central section of a reflector antenna in the vertical plane; secondly the program makes calculation of horizontal sections of a reflector antenna of double curvature. The program results are points coordinates of a reflector antenna surface. After synthesis of reflector antenna surface was made model of reflector antenna with radiation pattern of cosecant type in CST MICROWAVE STUDIO. Results of model operation validate the solution of a problem of synthesis. Measurement results of reflector antenna model coincided with received values of program modeling. Antenna gain of reflector antenna is about 30 dB. Sidelobe level in the horizontal plane is no more than −30 dB. The beamwidth in the azimuthal plane is about 4, 5°. It should be stressed that characteristics of made reflector antenna model coincided with modeling results and also coincided with calculated parameters of reflector antenna surface.
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