Financial causal sentence recognition based on BERT-CNN text classification

By studying the causality contained in financial texts, we can further reveal more potential laws of economic activities, such as “factors promoting stable and healthy economic development,” “The central bank's use of the loan window to issue money will increase the probability of inflation,” “The consequence of overcapacity is a decline in product prices,” and so on. Causal sentence recognition usually includes two sub-tasks: one is to design rules or templates to find candidate causal sentences; the other is to design a classifier to sort candidate causal sentences to finally identify the causal sentence. This article first focuses on the characteristics of complex sentence patterns of multiple causes and one effect, multiple effects and one cause, and multiple causes and multiple effects in financial review texts, and provides a relatively complete candidate causal sentence identification rules, which can identify both simple causal sentences and complex causal sentences. A BERT-CNN (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers-Convolutional Neural Networks) combination model is proposed for the classification of candidate causal sentences. On the one hand, by adding a CNN (Convolutional Neural Networks) structure to the specific task layer of the BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) model to capture important local information in the text. On the other hand, in order to make better use of the self-attention mechanism, the local text representation and the output of the BERT are input together in the multi-layer transformer encoder. A complete representation of the text is finally obtained through a single-layer transformer encoder. Experimental results show that our model is significantly better than the most advanced baseline model, with a 5.31 pts improvement in F1 over previous analyzers.
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