A New Marattialean Fern from the Lower Permian of Patagonia (Argentina) with Cautionary Tales on Synangial Morphology and Pinnule Base Characters

Premise of research. The Rio Genoa Formation of Argentine Patagonia hosts Early Permian fossil assemblages that document levels of plant diversity rare among coeval floras. Ongoing work to exhaustively characterize the diversity of these assemblages is key to understanding Permian vegetation and plant evolution. A new fern type identified in the Rio Genoa Formation exhibits a novel combination of characters that required taxonomic assessment. Methodology. Observations and measurements of vegetative and reproductive morphology of compression fossils were used in a comparative framework to address the taxonomic placement of the fossils. Pivotal results. The new fern, Floratheca apokalyptika gen. et sp. nov., is characterized by small pinnules with a free base, weakly lobed margin, highly decurrent midvein, and rarely branched lateral veins, as well as radially symmetrical synangia with stellate dehiscence, consisting of six spindle-shaped sporangia. This unique combination of characters distinguishes Florat...
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