A randomized, controlled trial of Panax quinquefolius extract (CVT-E002) to reduce respiratory infection in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia.

q e m r t A B r O t M t M R s p p p e [ 3 s t C b r L s C b r t r C hronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is the most common adult leukemia, accounting for nearly one-third of all leukemias. Almost all cases of CLL occur in adults 50 and older with a median age at diagnosis in the mid-60s. Median survival is 4-5 years after initiation of treatment, but early-stage patients often do not require treatment for many years after diagnosis. Both the underlying CLL and its treatment result in immune compromise, particularly poor antibody responses; infection is common. The most common infections in CLL patients are acute respiratory infections (ARIs). Many of these ARIs are viral, but antibiotics are fre-
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