The Aetiological Role of Hepatitis Contagiosa Canis (Hcc) in Chronic Nephritis in Dogs

Dogs without antibodies were inoculated with virus of canine hepatitis. The conditions taken as a criterion of developed disease were a rise of temperature, leucopenia and increased activity of serum-transaminase enzymes. The urine was examined for the presence of virus and the antibody titre in blood-serum was determined. Urological studies including inulin and PAH clearance, and histological examination of the kidneys were carried out. No renal changes attributable to the virus inoculation were seen. A clinical material of 154 dogs was used for a statistical comparison between the presence of antibodies against canine virus hepatitis (Hcc) and renal damage. It was found that 64 % of these dogs had neutralizing antibodies for Hcc, while the percentage of dogs positive by the complement-fixation method was 51 %. No significant relationship between jthe presence of antibodies for Hcc and renal damage was noted. Inokulation av antikroppsfria hundar med hepatit-virus gjordes. Som kriterium pa insjuknande anvandes temperaturstegring, leukopeni samt stegrad serumhalt av transamineringsenzym. Isolering av virus fran urinen samt bestamning av antikroppshalten i blodserum utfordes. Urologiska studier bland annat omfattande inulin- och PAH-clearance samt slutligen histologisk undersokning av njurarna foretogs. Nagra njurforandringar uppkomna till foljd av virusinokulationen kunde icke iakttagas. Pa ett kliniskt material bestaende av 154 hundar gjordes en statistisk jamforelse mellan forekomsten av neutraliserande antikroppar respektive komplementbindande antikroppar mot HGG och njurskador. Harvid framkom, att 64 % av detta material hade neutraliserande antikroppar mot HGG, medan procenttalet positiva enligt komplementbindningsmetoden var 51 %. Nagot statistiskt signifikant samband mellan forekomsten av antikroppar mot HGG och njurskador kunde ej noteras.
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