Objetivou-se com esse trabalho analisar tecnica e economicamente dois modelos de forwarder na extracao de toras de eucalipto. O trabalho foi realizado na regiao Sul do estado da Bahia. A analise tecnica compreendeu ao estudo de tempos e movimentos, produtividade, disponibilidade mecânica e eficiencia operacional. Ja a analise economica baseou-se na determinacao do custo operacional e de extracao. Os resultados de tempos e movimentos e produtividades das maquinas foram submetidos a analise estatistica. O tempo total e os elementos carregamento, deslocamento com carga e descarregamento do modelo elephant sao estaticamente superior ao tempo total e aos mesmos elementos do modelo buffaloking. O forwarder modelo elephant apresentou uma produtividade media de 44,16 m³ he-1, sendo esse valor estaticamente superior aos 39,40 m³ he-1 apresentado pelo modelo buffaloking. O maior custo operacional e de producao foram calculados para o modelo buffaloking. O modelo elephant demonstra-se mais eficiente na extracao de madeira.Palavras-chave: colheita florestal, desempenho operacional, extracao. TECHNICAL AND ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE OF DIFFERRENT FORWARDER MODELS ABSTRACT:The objective of this study is to analyze technically and economically two models of forwarder in Eucalyptus logs extraction. The study was conducted in the southern region of Bahia. Technical analysis includes the study of time and motion, productivity, mechanical availability and operational efficiency. Already the economic analysis was based on the determination of the operating cost and extraction. The results of motion and time and productivity of the machines were subjected to statistical analysis. The total time and the elements: load, displacement load and unload the elephant model are statistically higher than the total time and the same elements of buffaloking model. The forwarder elephant model showed an average yield of 44.16 m³ he-1, and this value statically superior to 39.40 m³ he-1 presented by buffaloking model. The biggest operational cost and production were calculated for the model buffaloking. The elephant model shows to be more efficient in wood extraction.Keywords: forest harvesting, operational performance, extraction.
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